Benefits for Davedi
The Village Lodge that Jolinaiko Eco Tours has built, creates work for the village: in the ongoing building process as well as when it is receiving guests. The lodge creates a demand for toiletries, food and souvenirs. Jolinaiko stimulates and coaches villagers in setting up their own businesses that provide services for the lodge.
Community experiences
Jolinaiko Eco Tours coaches the villagers in the development of excursions and workshops for the visiting tourists. This generates an income for those involved. In these rural villages, where there are so many needs, bringing people together and sharing ideas creates a window of opportunity for development. For example some tourists decided to sponsor a nursing student, who almost completed his studies.
Community fund
Similar to Atsiekpoe a community fund is being set up. A percentage of the accommodation- and excursion fees will be paid into this fund and will be used for specific goals. We are yet to define the details with the village.
Stepping Stones for Africa
In Africa there are a lot of ambitious and dedicated people, but most of them find it difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish their dreams and goals. In rural areas there is a lack of education, knowledge, services and financial means.
In 2005, Apollo Panou was one of those people. A Dutch foundation, the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation, was his missing link in realizing his ambitions with Jolinaiko Eco Tours. The foundation helped him create a steady flow of clients by building this website and offering advice.
Now, Jolinaiko Eco Tours acts as a partner for the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation. Together we hope to be able to be a 'stepping stone' for other dedicated people. By listening to the village and its inhabitants, Jolinaiko hopes to make a difference and to be able to be a catalyst for positive developments in the village aimed towards a higher quality of life.
Visit the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation website for more information about the achievements and ongoing projects in Davedi and other villages.
Help Davedi
If you would like to support our efforts in Davedi, you can do so by donating online to the Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation. All kinds of payment methods like Paypal and creditcard are available. This foundation is a registered Dutch charity with 0% overhead costs. Your contribution is highly appreciated!
The button below will take you directly to the online donation page of Stepping Stones for Africa: