Jolinaiko Eco Tours - Experience West Africa!
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Together with the Dutch Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation, we are trying to solve the poor sanitation and drinking water conditions in the Atsiekpoe and neighboring villages. Several projects have been started:

Sanitation project

In 2011 the first 8 sustainable double toilets were built in the Atsiekpoe community. December 2012 is the deadline for the construction work of a large toilet building for the primary school. Funds for these projects have been, and are still being raised by the Dutch Stepping Stones for Africa Foundation. The project is coordinated and supervised by Jolinaiko Eco Tours.

Current projects we are raising funds for (May 2012):

  • Roofing and plastering of the school toilet block.
  • Construction of two more latrines for Atsiekpoe.

Please visit the Stepping Stones for Africa website for more information about these projects.

Healthy drinking water

The Volta River currently is the main source of (drinking) water for the people in Atsiekpoe. The quality of this water is poor and waterborne diseases (such as bilharzia) are widespread. We are investigating solutions to provide clean drinking water for the inhabitants of Atsiekpoe.

You can help to get Atsiekpoe toilets and clean drinking water

You can support our goal of hygienic sanitation and clean drinking water in Atsiekpoe, by donating online to Stepping Stones for Africa. All kinds of payment methods like Paypal and creditcard are available. This foundation is a registered Dutch charity with 0% overhead costs. Your contribution is highly appreciated!

The button below will take you directly to the online donation page of Stepping Stones for Africa:


Help as a volunteer

We are inviting students or volunteers with a specific expertise in community based tourism development or public health/development studies for a voluntary period or traineeship in Atsiekpoe. See our volunteering pages or visit the Meet Africa (English) / Ontmoet Afrika (Dutch) website for current vacancies.

Our last morning was spent at Atsiekpoe, where Jolinaiko has initiated several community projects and is the home of their eco-lodge. What a great way to end our trip, it is a real inspiration and we would highly recommend a stay here.

We cannot thank you enough Jolinaiko team!

Anouk and Gilly,
USA and France.